Sunday, September 27, 2020

The terrorist-producing factory and blame game

 By M.A. Saki

TEHRAN - Saudi monarch King Salman made absurd accusations against Iran while addressing the annual UN conference on Wednesday.

In his speech, Salman, the 84-year-old monarch who ascended the throne in 2015, claimed Iran’s policies have “produced nothing but chaos, extremism, and sectarianism”.

It is both tragic and ridiculous that the Saudi monarch make accusations against Iran.  The Saudi kingdom is notoriously famous for nurturing, inspiring, and financing terrorism.

To clearly show that Saudi Arabia is a terrorist-producing factory, it is just enough to remind that that 15 out of 19 September 11 attackers were Saudi citizens.

Saudi citizens formed the second-largest group of terrorists operating in Iraq which followed the 2003 invasion of the county by the United States and Britain.

According to TIME magazine, a 2016 study for the national bureau of economic research also showed that the Saudis formed the second largest Daesh (ISIS) militants.

The country is the birthplace of Wahhabi and Salafi ideologies which have affected the youth not only in Saudi Arabia but in some other countries. Foreign men and even women who poured into Iraq and Syria to join Daesh and other terrorist groups were influenced by the Wahhabi and Salafi ideologies propagated by Saudi Arabia. These extremist ideologies had attracted youths from European countries, Muslim-populated Russian republics, Central Asian republics and some Southeast Asian nations.

Saud Arabia’s record in fanning the flames of sectarianism, extremism and terrorism are so deep and extensive that it can never be purged from the memory of history.

The tribal Saudi rulers may themselves don’t like Wahhabi and Salafi ideologies but they have been using them to achieve their vicious goals.

Just in the 1980s, Saudis were facilitating the flow of the youth from Saudi Arabia and North African countries to Afghanistan to fight the Soviets whom they considers as pagans, a move that produced al-Qaeda. They also continued to arm and finance terrorists first in Iraq and then Syria in the 21st century.

In addition, Saudi Arabia itself openly invaded neighboring Yemen in March 2015, creating an indescribable crisis that the United Nations has called the world’s worst humanitarian disaster. Striking Yemeni schoolboys on a field trip in February 2019 and bombing wedding ceremonies in the country have been described as instances of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

In view of such things, ranging from invading Yemen and causing famine in the country to backing and financing terrorists in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan that led to emergence of Daesh and al-Qaeda, it is ridiculous to hear that the Saudi king attributes such accusations against Iran. 

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