Sunday, September 27, 2020

Is Production and Stockpile of A-Bomb Economically Wise?

By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

The world economic growth is on the decline due to the outbreak of the coronavirus and some people in the world sleep the nights with empty stomachs

The world economic growth is on the decline due to the outbreak of the coronavirus and some people in the world sleep the nights with empty stomachs and wait in miles-long lines to get a piece of food from the food banks. In such a condition, governments have increased the expenditures for expanding their arsenals. While the U.S. and Zionists have been talking for over 30 years about Iran’s so-called secret nuclear activities and probable production and stockpile of nuclear bombs in order to deviate the public opinion and to deceive the international community and members of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), reports indicate that they themselves have been expanding their capabilities in production and stockpiling weapons of mass destruction, and just the U.S. alone has produced and stockpiled over 6,200 A-bombs with nuclear warheads.


Reports from the reliable sources show that Zionist regime, too, has boosted its arsenal in the past three years and it has increased the number of its A-bombs with nuclear warheads from 77 to 100. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has been founded for conducting research on international peace and its authentic and accurate reports has provided the ground for valid statistical belief. The Swedish think-tank in its recent report, which was released in Stockholm and major important part of it has been covered by the international mass media, has announced that today in the end of 2020, nine countries have stockpiled 13,865 A-bombs that one-fourth of it is enough for annihilating the world.

Following SIPRI’s report, Israeli newspaper the Jerusalem Post in an article wrote, ”Israel has close to 100 nuclear warheads.” While Israel continues its old policy of keeping silence on its nuclear arsenal, according to the Swedish think tank’s report released some three years ago (2017),  this country has some 30 gravity bomb (without guidance system) which can be delivered by fighter jets. Some of these fighter jets are believed to be equipped for nuclear weapon delivery. Irregardless of the number of Israel’s gravity bombs in 2017, the country has had approximately 50 warheads,  that can be delivered by land-based ballistic missiles such as the Jericho III intermediate-range ballistic missile.

In such a condition we are facing with an earsplitting propagation which is constantly trumpeted that Iran has been equipped with nuclear weapon. Such a huge amount of false propagation is spread against a country which has the most transparent nuclear program among the IAEA members. Let’s have a look at the official reports of the IAEA in the world and all of them says, “22 percent of the total inspections of the agency in the world has been conducted in Iran and all its released reports verify that Iran has the most transparent peaceful nuclear program among the IAEA members.

Iran has voluntarily accepted the request of the IAEA for checking probable safeguard issues. Recently Iran’s permanent representative to the IAEA has said, “The recent report of the IAEA Director General shows the steps have been taken by Iran and the international body to reach a common understanding regarding issues in question as well as finding acceptable solutions. The Islamic Republic has officially and strongly announced its stand in opposition to production and stockpile of nuclear weapon, and it has announced the necessity for full destruction of them in the world.”

By the way, all the world knows it well that this government of Iran is unwilling to act clandestinely against the western governments. Above all, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran who is the marja taqlid (literally means source of follow) of Shiites in the world in his fatwa (religious ruling) has called the production and stockpile of weapons of mass destruction as haram (forbidden). Quite the contrary,  the U.S. is currently equipped with some 6200 nuclear warheads. The Zionist regime, as the Jerusalem Post has announced, has some 100 nuclear warheads and only its 10 nuclear warheads are enough to annihilate the whole Middle East and the West Asian states, and the world has just  adopted an astonishing silence policy against this potential danger.

I recommend all conscious people in the world to launch a global campaign for combatting with this sinister phenomenon that in the current tough living Coronavirus condition, it, first, could censure and boycott this process which makes some part of the world economy realize massacre of world people, and secondly prepare protocols for replacing the tools for massacre with a logic of justice for administering the world.

 By: Hamid Reza Naghashian

  • source : IRAN NEWS

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