Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Death Throes of a Dynasty of Debauchees

By: Kayhan Int’l 

The devilish drama unfolding in Riyadh, the capital of the spurious British-created fiefdom called Saudi Arabia, is making headlines these days in the world press, with every media outlet drawing its own conclusions whether the murderous MBS (Mohamed bin Salman) has made the right or wrong decision by detaining his potential rivals, while his senile octogenarian father, King Salman, desperately counts his own numbered days when the power-hungry son either deposes him or stealthily strangles him to death to become the new American-backed monarch.
Perhaps the self-imposed Heir Apparent of a usurper state – as illegal as the Zionist entity – that lacks history, geography, culture, and political homogeneity, is taking direct orders from super terrorist Donald Trump who these days is making his bid for a second term as the US president.
Maybe the dotard’s criminal clique headed by gangster Mike Pompeo, are amusingly observing the outcome since all the players involved in the ruckus in Riyadh, happen to be loyal, if not slavish, American protégés.
This means, it does not matter much to Washington if MBS emerges the absolute strongman or he is killed in the process by elements in the army and intelligence apparatus still obedient to his dispossessed cousin, the once powerful CIA-backed Mohammad bin Nayef.
Whatever the result, for the ordinary persons in Hijaz, Ha’el, Najran, the oil-rich eastern region, Tabuk or Jowf, who for the past 80-odd years have been unjustly and humiliatingly called ‘Saudis’ by the western media when they have no connection whatsoever to this Najdi clan of marauders in occupation of their respective homelands, what is eagerly awaited is the disintegration, downfall, demise, and death of the Aal-e Saud.
The Arabs of Arabia are not delusional. They want independence, freedom, and self-determination. That is the reason they are silently watching the scenario with firm faith in God Almighty of the day of liberation.
They know the end is near of the present brood of debauchees who lord over the different cities and regions of Arabia as their personal properties by bribing the Americans to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars with the looted oil wealth of the Shi’a Muslims of Qatif and its surroundings that were occupied during World War 1.
They are well versed in their history and its ups and downs, including the 86-year rule of the Ottoman-backed Ha’el-based Aal-e Rashid dynasty that was toppled in 1921 by the desert brigand Abdul-Aziz, who in 1925 unleashed an unprecedented bloodbath in the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, the Red Sea port of Jeddah, and the hill resort of Ta’ef, for which London rewarded him in 1932 with a kingdom called Saudi Arabia, and in 1934 helped him seize Yemen’s northern provinces of Najran, Asir, and Jizan.
The wheel of fortune is never static. It is always turning, as history and historical developments bear witness.
The supposedly powerful US, which itself is on a fast declining course, cannot forever determine the destiny of its puppets. The almost 90 years of the precarious survival of Saudi Arabia is enough. It is time this rootless fiefdom should end up in the dustbin of history, as was the fate of all dynasties in history, including the Godless Omayyad caliphate that vanished from the world map after 92 years of rule during which it tried in vain like the heretical Wahhabis to distort the faith of Muslims through a policy of state terrorism.
In view of these undeniable facts, not just the Arabs of Arabia, but all conscientious Muslims throughout the world, are watching the death throes of a dynasty of debauchees, with full confidence in God Almighty of the promised salvation of the Ummah, no matter if MBS or any of his rivals emerge triumphant for a while, before the curtain comes down on the illegal and illegitimate Saudi clan of Jewish origin.

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