Friday, October 18, 2019

Arba’een, the Message of Freedom and Dignity

By: Kayhan Int’l  

The scores of millions assembling at Karbala from all over the world is yet again a firm proof of the failure of the plots of Global Arrogance against Islam and Muslims.

The U.S., the Zionists, the reactionary Arab regimes, the remnants of the repressive Ba’th minority regime, and the residue of the takfiri terrorists, had all got together to stir up sedition and violence in Baghdad and other cities, by exploiting the just grievances of peaceful Iraqi protestors, but the plot miserably failed, thanks to the immortal legacy of Imam Husain (AS), and the significance of the glorious "Arba’een” pilgrimage, commemorating the traditional 40th day of the tragedy of Ashura.
This is yet another example of the dynamism of the teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt of Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) and the fraternity of the Muslims of Iraq and Iran, joined by their brethren from other regional states, and from all over the world to build a better world, and ensure a peaceful and bright future for the Ummah.
Regardless of the American-Zionist controlled corporate media’s shunning of the great and glorious assemblage of Arba’een, and the frustrating efforts of their agents through the Persian, Arabic and English language broadcasts to give a distorted picture of Iraq, Iran, and the region, the pilgrims are coming in tens of millions.
They represent people from all walks of life, speaking various languages, and made up of different Muslim denominations, whether Shi’a, Isramili, Sufi or Sunni. This unity in diversity is proof of the resolve of the Ummah to stand firm against the devilish plots of the enemies.
Even non-Muslims have converged on Karbala, such as the Christians, the Mandeans, the Zoroastrians, and the Hindus – there is caste among the latter known as Hussaini Brahmin who claim that one of their ancestors was present in Karbala, along with Imam Husain (AS), while some of the Indians who stayed behind after the tragedy of Karbala, assisted Mukhtar Ibn Abu Obaidah Thaqafi in avenging the martyrdom of the Prophet’s grandson.
This means, a greater part of humanity is united in Resistance, and Declaration of Freedom. As we listen to the chants of those marching towards Karbala, we realize that they speak of mankind’s collective hopes, and yearning for dignity and peace.
Never before has the world witnessed a greater rally against the terror of Wahhabism and the abominations it has brought in its wake. The old, the young, the disabled - men, women, from all four corners of the globe - have come with one name on their lips, across faiths, beyond faiths they have come together to speak against the horror of radicalism and consecrate Freedom as an inalienable human right.
The Arba’een anniversary is thus a mirror to our humanity, an affirmation that our true nature lies in our ability to push against injustice on behalf of those whose voices were stolen away. ‘The Great Walk,’ as many have called it, has towered mighty in the face of oppression – whatever its forms, whatever the agenda, and whomever it has intended on persecuting.

Peace upon you O Aba Abdullah al-Husain (AS)

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