Thursday, December 27, 2018

Zionist Antichrist Tries to Mar Christmas Atmosphere in Syria

By: Kayhan Int’l 

Whatever the origins of Santa Claus and the gifts this mythological figure is supposed to secretly drop for children on the occasion of Christmas, the reality is diametrically different in real life, especially amongst the devastated Christian minorities in Iraq and Syria.
This December 25 Christmas was openly celebrated for the first time in several years in the two countries in the ruined churches of Mosul and Aleppo as well as in Baghdad and Damascus, which thanks to the timely assistance provided by Iran and the popular forces it backed in both Syria and Iraq, were spared the full brunt of the US-supported Takfiri terrorist onslaught. 
The Antichrist, however, did raise its ugly head again in a futile bid to mar the festival atmosphere when its hordes indulged in explosions in Syria and Iraq on the day after Christmas. 
Here we are not concerned with the mischievous American-backed propaganda campaign on the social media by opponents of the legitimate governments of the said countries, alleging the arrests of persons posing as Santa Clauses in the holy cities of Karbala and Najaf, or the supposed drafting of such figures into the army in Damascus.
The fact of the matter is that the elected government of Iraq, which represents the Shi’a Muslim majority of that country, declared Christmas a public holiday out of respect for the rights of its one-percent Christian minority that claims to follow Prophet Jesus (peace upon him), while in neighbouring Syria the government of President Bashar al-Assad arranged army trucks to help the local Santas – attired in the traditional red with long white beards – distribute gifts among the Christian children.
No such things ever happen on Islamic festivals in the Christian-majority West where in several countries, such as France, Germany, Britain, and the USA, the number of Muslim citizens runs into millions and have to endure the atmosphere of Islamophobia. 
On Christmas Day this year Santas did cause trouble and were arrested, but not in Muslim countries. In Orlando, the US police arrested Santa impersonator, Robert Kendel, a habitual pedophile who was trying to bait children by circulating a deceptive photograph of himself in red attire and white flowing beard with a child seated in his lap. 

In Odessa, Ukraine, two Santas got into a furious fist fight in front of children at a shopping area. One of the Grandfather Frosts (as the Ukrainians call Santa Claus) was younger and was beaten black and blue by the older Frosty.
Now coming back to Syria where in the land of Palestine Prophet Jesus (peace upon him) is said to have been born and was visited with gifts by a group of wise men from Persia (Iran) who followed the blazing star in the sky all the way to Bethlehem by braving the danger to their life from the Jewish king Herod – a Roman vassal – the modern day Zionists again played the role of Judas Iscariot.
The Antichrist in Tel Aviv who continues to slander Jesus and his Virgin Mother, Mary (peace upon them), fired several missiles on the environs of Damascus to mar the Christmas atmosphere of solidarity among Syrian Muslims and Christians.
Thanks to the vigilance of the Syrian armed forces, and the missile defence system supplied by Russia’s Christians of the Orthodox Church, the aerial attack ordered by the devil Netanyahu with the support of the Satanic Donald Trump, was foiled, as the Israeli projectiles were blasted in midair.
According to reports, the explosions, the falling debris of which injured three persons, occurred near the Mezzeh airstrip, west of the capital and in the areas of Kesawa and Jimraya, which are located northwest of Damascus.
Russia has warned the Zionist regime of the consequences of its Antichrist policies, pointing out the risk posed to civilians and civilian aircraft.
We, however, believe that verbal warnings will not deter the Judas Iscariots that are in occupation of Palestine, the Land of Jesus, from continuing their crimes against humanity, unless the defenders in Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza, empower Santa Clauses to load explosives on their sleighs and drop them on head of the betrayers of the Messiah.

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