Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Unchristian Messages From Christendom on Christmas Eve

By: S. Nawabzadeh
Christmas is supposed to be a time of goodwill. It is an occasion to overcome devilish traits and return to innate human nature. It is an opportunity for self-reform, and rectifying the wrongs committed against one’s own self and against others, by returning to moral values and the path of God.
In other words, December 25, irrespective of its origins in the hedonic days of the pagan Roman Empire as no-holds-barred Bacchanalia festivities, since it has come to be associated with the Virgin-Born Messiah, ought not to be a period of wild celebrations for committing all the old sins in the most modern ways – as is usually done by people in the West.
For the church-goers and their leaders, Christmas should neither be a fleeting moment of religious references and then back to devilish deceptions by the politicians, nor should it be exploited by the clergymen as a time for spiritual rhetoric that is devoid of any sincere efforts to redress the social, cultural and political wrongs of the contemporary world.
While going to the press, we caught sight of contents of the Christmas messages of three principal poles of Christendom to be broadcast at midnight in Europe and North America.
Devout Christians certainly do not expect anything humanitarian from Donald Trump (grandson of a German migrant to the US), who brazenly bars fellow Christians from the underprivileged catholic countries of Latin America from their rightful share in the economic progress of North America.
The US president who brags about "beautiful weapons” to kill human beings around the world and has imposed illegal economic sanctions upon Iran, in addition to his violation of several international accords including the Paris Treaty on climate that will certainly endanger the whole Planet, made a mockery of himself in his Christmas message.
James Hamblin of periodical "The Atlantic” was right when he said on the eve of December 25: President Donald Trump emphasizing "Merry Christmas” has turned the holiday into "a tool of demagoguery.”
In Britain, the Christmas message of Queen Elizabeth lacked any substance when the 92-year old lady in her 66th annual address on the occasion, extolled peace and goodwill by merely saying Jesus’ message is "needed as much as ever”, but avoided mentioning political divisions such as Britain’s impending exit from the European Union or London’s godfather attitude to tyrannical regimes like Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, as well as the constant supply of British weapons to bomb the Yemenis into dust – in addition to the step-motherly attitude of the Anglican Church to the Christians of Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, who are the victims of takfiri terrorists, imperialism and Zionism. 
Perhaps the most unfortunate Christmas message was that of Pope Francis, the Head of the Catholic sect of Christianity, which contained a lot of contradictions regarding the essence of faith, such as his harping almost throughout the text on the alleged adultery of Prophet King David (God forbid, Islam and the holy Qur’an consider him sinless and a devoted servant of God Almighty).
We don’t know whether through such baseless accusations the Vatican wants to belittle the sinful way of life of its flock, including the priests and bishops that routinely indulge in sodomy and sexual abuse despite their vows of celibacy, or he wants to say that nothing is sacred in life.
Pope Francis denounced wars, bloodshed and abuses around the world without specifying the culprits and seemed to justify that the traits of Judas Iscariot (the betrayer of Jesus) are present in all human beings.
He merely said: "Jesus was born in a social, political and religious situation marked by tension, unrest and gloom”, without referring to the evil of the Israelites and their mockery of his divine message. 
The venerable leader, in an unchristian manner, refrained from denunciation of the state terrorism of the US. He did not mention the Yellow Jacket Movement of the deprived rocking France and other European countries. Neither he provided any practical solutions to the ills of the modern society by asking the audience to take lessons from the spotlessly clean life of Jesus, nor did he condemn the Herod-like policies of the child-killing racist Benjamin Netanyahu of the illegal Zionist regime which continues to slander the Virgin Mother of Messiah, and has polluted Jerusalem from whose sacred precincts Jesus had expelled the Pharisees and other Israelite cults. 
To sum up, unless the leaders and politicians of the Christian World repent and return to the path of Jesus, the world will continue to be plagued by all sorts of ills, miseries, wars and bloodshed, with the Messiah definitely displeased with those who claim to be his followers. 

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