Friday, August 30, 2019

Mnar Muhawesh: Trump Making Racism Norm in America

Mnar Muhawesh: Trump Making Racism Norm in America
TEHRAN (FNA)- Mnar Muhawesh, American journalist, says the president of the United States, who is literally the role model of Americans, is promoting racism in the US.
Speaking in an exclusive interview with FNA, she said Trump has a racist character, which attracts other racists and extremists, “…and give them a weapon to use to exert their anger at the lack of jobs and failing economy. This also emboldens groups like the KKK”.

“[Racial divide] is an unfortunate technique used by the two party systems (both Democrats and Republicans) to keep the nation divided and distracted while the 1% exploit we the people”, she added.
Trump made several postings on his Twitter page, urging four non-white female Democratic members of Congress to “go back to the countries they came from”, which in all but one case was the US. The firestorm tweets are banded as racist by many political analysts.

Mnar Muhawesh is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of MintPress News, and is also a regular speaker on responsible journalism, sexism, neo-conservativism within the media and journalism start-ups. Also, she produces and hosts TV programs covering Midwest and national politics while focusing on civil liberties and social justice issues.

Below is the full text of the interview:

Q: Why has Trump initiated such a racist tirade against four Congresswomen who are elected officials?

A: It's a type of character assassination against these Congresswomen to dismiss the real social justice concerns they are bringing to the forefront of the political conversation, which are root issues that have historically not made it to mainstream American politics including: income inequality, racial injustice, the right to boycott Israeli apartheid, and the influence of foreign nations on our elected officials like Israel and Saudi Arabia, getting money out of politics and ending war. These were once considered fringe issues by the establishment, but are in fact issues that have destroyed our democracy and turned our nation into an oligarchy.

Q: Do you think Trump’s rhetoric gives a green light to racism and racist acts by others?

A: The role of the president is to lead the nation whether through action or character. If the commander in chief is normalizing racism, then it will only empower others to act in that way. Unfortunately, his racist character will attract those whom are frustrated in society and give them a weapon to use to exert their anger at the lack of jobs and failing economy.This also emboldens groups like the KKK.

Q: Is it Trump, or is it “divide” which is dominating today’s United States politics?

A: The racial divide in the United States has exacerbated in recent years; but. it did not start with Trump. Trump is just the wolf without the sheep's clothing. Racism and division is not unique to the Republican party. It is an unfortunate technique used by the two party systems (both Democrats and Republicans) to keep the nation divided and distracted while the 1% exploit 'we the people'. 

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