Wednesday, June 12, 2024

France’s Role-Making in West Asia

Strategic Council Online – Interview: An expert on European issues spoke about France's efforts to negotiate with regional countries on the Gaza war; West Asia is having hard times and in the process of transformation; Netanyahu is finished, and everyone is preparing for a significant change.

In an interview with the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations website, Ali Bigdeli talked about France’s policy and its tools to face internal and regional crises. He said France considers for itself a leadership role in the European Union, and after Britain’s exit from the EU, this role has become more prominent. At the same time, Emmanuel Macron’s actions aggravate this issue. On the other hand, France faces many economic problems, such as a decrease in the employment rate and an increase in inflation. Therefore, it is part of France’s efforts to consult and intervene in West Asian issues to solve its internal problems; France and the European Union are seeking to establish security and peace in the Middle East so that their accumulated capital can flow to this region, but as long as the situation in the Middle East is critical. There is war and tension between countries, especially after the October 7 war, and this cannot be done. The expert on European and international issues said about the recent meeting at the Elysee Palace with members of the Contact Group of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation about the situation in the Middle East; France is one of the countries that are trying to find a solution to the Gaza crisis and stop the war through the European Union and with its support in this region; therefore, bilateral and multilateral negotiations and consultations with the countries of the region are in this framework, although these negotiations are tough and complicated. Bigdeli said that the views of the West and the United States on global and regional issues are economic and interest-oriented. If they seek to solve the problems of Palestine and Israel, it is only for their own interests, and this issue should not be overlooked in the analyses. He added: Europeans are forced to support the Zionist regime despite their opposition to the killing and genocide of the Israeli regime in Gaza and widespread protests at the community level, and they have no choice but to do so. In the past 75 years, the Israeli regime had never been humiliated to such an extent that it happened now with the Al-Aqsa storm. In France, the Zionist lobby is powerful; therefore, the Macron government is under pressure to somehow support the Israeli regime. On the other hand, France is trying to show its leadership position and superiority among the European Union countries by interfering in the issue of the Gaza war and negotiating with the conflicting parties. This expert on international issues stated that Netanyahu has reached the end of his political life, and sooner or later, he must step down from the position of prime minister. Therefore, Europe and the United States are trying to make the situation progress in such a way that after the resignation of Netanyahu and his government, the situation will be ready for the release of the hostages and the continued existence of the Israeli regime. He said the West Asian region no longer has the tolerance and capacity for insecurity and war, and if this trend continues, it will definitely affect Europe as well. Therefore, the concern of these countries is natural. At the same time, the biggest concern of Europe and France is employment and


They are in a dire economic situation, and to overcome this situation, they need one of the most important markets in the world, West Asia, to be safe and calm. Therefore, Europe seeks to stop the war between the Israeli regime and Hamas in any way and then release the hostages. Saying that Netanyahu’s era has ended and as soon as he steps down, a new era of political developments will take place in the region and the Occupied Territories, he added: The region is entering a new cycle of political developments, and everyone is preparing for this new era. The West’s outlook is based on their national interests and, ultimately, those of Europe. If they seek to solve the problem of Palestine and Israel, their bigger goal is to create a peaceful and safe market in West Asia, which they are trying to make from the heart of the crisis to continue their existence. He said that France’s attempt to talk with the Arab and Muslim countries of the region is to somehow get the region out of the crisis; they know very well that this situation cannot continue any longer. Today, they are facing two big crises in Ukraine and Gaza, and they are also very worried about the American elections and the possibility of Trump coming to power again. Therefore, it is necessary for the region to move towards peace as soon as possible. Overall, the region is experiencing hard times and transforming, and everyone is gearing up for a significant change. The effort of European countries to bring the Arab and Muslim countries of the region with them is in the direction of making them join Europe in their new changes.

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